Friday, April 27, 2012

NEW REVIEW: Malarie A. Mitchell - Big Mistake

Malarie A. Mitchell
Big Mistake
Available Now!
4 out of 5 books

Joseph Miller was a budding basketball player. He came from a loving two parent family, and has an older brother named Monterey. Not only were the two of them brothers, but they were also best friends. One afternoon, the Miller household becomes ripped to the core when they are notified that young Joseph Miller is murdered. The police have no idea who the killer(s) were or why someone would want to murder such an innocent young man that had such a bright future.

As time goes by, the Miller family slowly comes undone. Monterey feels guilt ridden for not being there for his brother and is hellbent on exacting revenge. The father, Jonathan, is tired of calling the police department daily and never getting any answers. Jonathan tries to debate with himself on whether or not to let the police handle the matter or get in contact with his old friends from the street to handle the matter. The mother, Quiara, is trying to let the police handle the matter as well, but frustration is setting in and she decides to get in contact with her old friend from her former life to help find the culprit(s) that murdered her son in cold blood. With everyone trying to handle it there own way and no one communicating with one another, this could be a disaster waiting to happen.

Big Mistake by Malarie A. Mitchell was a great debut. Big Mistake is a story of family, love and secrets. Although a few things were a little far fetched, the author weaved together a story where each piece of the puzzle came together nicely at the end. The story had some twists and turns that you will not see coming, making for a very good read. The story is fast-paced and keeps you engrossed. I look forward to reading more from this author.

Reviewed by Leona for Urban Reviews

Order your copy of Big Mistake today!


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