Wednesday, June 27, 2012

NEW REVIEW: Tracy L. Darity - The Red Bear Society

Tracy L. Darity -
The Red Bear Society -
Available Now! -
4.5 out of 5 books -

You may be wondering by the cover of this novel and the title of this book, what exactly is The Red Bear Society? The cover alone may not appeal to you but in reading the novel, the cover will soon become very clear. Johnson White High School has a new principal and her name is Sharon Grayson. The day of orientation does not go quite as planned. If anything, it upsets a lot of the parents and students and the media begins to start questioning what makes her qualified to be principal.

The school district's superintendent has hired her for his own personal reasons. He gives her free reign to be creative and do her own thing as she see's fit. Sharon is set on trying to educate her students and parents on what is really going on with teens today. She shows how things are not how they used to be, and how teens deal with so much more than just the worry of teenage pregnancy. When an accident involving one of the students of Johnson White occurs, the students put together a blood drive and here is where a chain of events will happen that will leave everyone in Johnson White affected in some way.

The Red Bear Society by Tracy L. Darity was an EXCELLENT novel. It is a novel that parents and teens all need to read. The Red Bear Society is a novel that will open your eyes to some of the things that teens of today are going through. Startling statistics are written throughout the novel that will have you stunned. Homework that the parents of the novel were to do will surely have you doing the same. Aside from some minor editing issues, this is a novel I would highly recommend. Although, it seems that too many characters were affected, there is a message that all readers are surely able to get from reading this powerful novel.

Reviewed by Leona for Urban Reviews

Order your copy of The Red Bear Society today!

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