Tuesday, July 10, 2012

NEW REVIEW: A'ndrea J. Wilson - Wife 101

A'ndrea J. Wilson
Wife 101
Available Now!
4 out of 5 books

Amber Ross is a beautiful, independent woman whom not only owns one business, but three. The only thing missing is someone special to share her life with. When Amber's ex-boyfriend comes back into her life and tells her that he is engaged to get married, Amber feels crushed. Questions begin to fly through her head like what is it about her that her ex did not see that was good enough to want to settle down with her? Was she not a good catch?

Frustrated, she enrolls in a course called Wife 101 at her church. The class is geared towards teaching woman how to have a long lasting relationship. Amber soon realizes that she has many qualities that make her a good catch but in taking the course at the church, she also sees that she has many flaws and slowly begins to work through a few things.

In the meantime Amber has three men vying for her attention. One is someone from her past, another is a business partner that is too much like her, and the other is a man that works for her. Each man has something to bring to the plate, but when one offers marriage, what will Amber do? Will she take the safe route and go to something old, something secure or a friendship that can develop into so much more?

Wife 101 by A'ndrea J. Wilson was a very enlightening read. This is a novel that will have anyone regardless if they are married or single to question some of the things in their own life. The Wife 101 classes were based off Proverbs 31 in the Bible yet it was not too preachy as you would expect it to be. Ms. Wilson does a fantastic job in writing a fictional story while working scripture into it and breaking down what each sentence really means. "That's the thing with God's Word. We may change, but it never does. The bible is full of lessons that still apply to us today as they did thosands of years ago." I would definitely recommend this novel to others.

Reviewed by Leona Romich for Urban Reviews

Order your copy of Wife 101 today!

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