Saturday, July 14, 2012

NEW REVIEW: Cynthia White - Boss Bitch Swag

Cynthia White
Boss Bitch Swag
Available Now!
2 out of 5 books

One would assume by the title, “Boss Bitch Swag” that Cynthia White has written a book about the wife/girlfriend/wifey of a boss, but instead it is about a young man nicknamed Boss. Yes, Boss is a drug dealer who has a number of women. Throughout the book Boss has a few serious relationships, but he is never faithful. The main love of his life was a teenager named Meesha and by the title it would have been nice to hear more of her story. In the first chapter, we learn that Meesha is 21, faithfully married but diagnosed with HIV and already pregnant with her third child, so I knew I was in for a very typical hood story.

As stated in the headline, Cynthia White has a good concept, but there were too many editing issues for me to really enjoy the story. Ellipses are used and while they are fine to use during informal communication, they were overdone throughout this book. Another issue I had is that the use of the dash (-) was frequently used instead of the author writing in complete sentences. My other main issue was the repetition of curse words as it seemed unnecessary at some points of the story. The content of the story has nothing to do with the title as the reader does not know anything about the wife’s swag.

Boss Bitch Swag by Cynthia White was a struggle for me to read, and I would not recommend it to others.

Reviewed by Tiffany for Urban Reviews

Order your copy of Boss Bitch Swag today!


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