Saturday, August 18, 2012

NEW REVIEW: Rhonda Bowen - One Way or Another

Rhonda Bowen
One Way Or Another
Available Now!
4 out of 5 books

Toni Sheilds is a no nonsense reporter that will stop at nothing to get her story, even if that means ending up in a jail cell. While chancing a story, Toni finds herself in some hot water at work and needs to find a way to redeem herself. Adam Bayne, director of a boys' home, tries to keep his boys out of trouble and off the streets. When Adam meets Toni, sparks do not fly immediately. Actually, when they first meet, they cannot stand one another. When Adam finds out that Toni is a reporter, he tries his hardest to keep the boys away from her. When he sees a different side of Toni's personality, he has a change of heart. Is he making a big mistake?

One Way Or Another by Rhonda Bowen is a novel about redemption and finding faith in God. While reading this book, you find that the characters are familiar, kind of like someone you may know, which makes this book a great read because you can relate to them in some way. The author does has a way to relate faith into her book without it becoming too spiritual. The book dragged a little in the beginning, but picked up after the first chapter. One Way Or Another is a good read if you enjoy Christian fiction.

Reviewed by Jackie for Urban Reviews

Order your copy of One Way Or Another today!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks Jackie, I'm so glad to see this book reviewed because I have been trying to determine do I want to buy it.

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