Monday, November 12, 2012

NEW REVIEW: Karen Williams - Sweet Gisele

Karen Williams
Sweet Giselle
Available Now!
3 out of 5 books

Giselle had a bright future ahead of her. She had just graduated high school and was about to enjoy her summer off before heading to college. She unexpectedly experiences a loss that leaves her family in dire straights for money. Working overtime at the local restaurant is not bringing in enough money, so Giselle begins to ponder the thought of an ad that is placed on Craigslist to make a lot of money within one day. Never could she have dreamed that her life would change so drastically from that one day.

Meeting Giovanni, Giselle is shown a whole new world filled with all the lavishness that money can buy. Giovanni showers Giselle with so much love and attention. They have the perfect marriage, or so she thinks and Giovanni leads her to believe. When Giselle is kidnapped from a man that is hell bent on revenge, Giselle knows deep in her heart that the things this man is telling her about her husband cannot be true. But Giselle is soon about to find out that she never really knew the man that she married. If Giselle is to survive this kidnapping, she knows without a shadow of a doubt that things will never be the same.

Sweet Giselle by Karen Williams was a fast paced read but okay at best. There were quite a few scenes within the book that were unbelievable and had me shaking my head at times. Occasionally, the storyline moved a too fast, skipping over crucial pieces of the puzzle. Timelines were skipped and although Ms.Williams tries to close the story in a nice ending, she forgets about another character and that character's part within the story. Not to mention I was somewhat disappointed by the ending because everything just ended too tidy for a realistic ending. As an afterthought, I just want to mention the use of the word "super" was used too many times throughout the book and was a bit annoying,

Reviewed by Leona for Urban Reviews

Order your copy of Sweet Gisele today!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

NEW REVIEW: Briana Scott and Carl H. Thompson - Jasmine Absolute

Briana Scott and Carl H. Thompson - 
Jasmine Absolute - 
Available Now
4 out of 5 books

Briana Scott and Carl H. Thompson write a story of what happens when one person’s lie turns another person’s life upside down. Jasmine Absolute follows the story of Jasmine Griffin who works at an Atlanta ad agency and is beginning to make a name for herself. But when one of her co-workers decides to embellish the truth to try to advance her own career, no one would have predicted that it would lead Jasmine into a complete downward spiral.

Not only does Jasmine lose her job, her relationship ends, and her ailing uncle must now come and live with her. With no job and now an extra person to take care of, Jasmine stoops to desperate measures not only to survive but also to deal with the pain.

Briana Scott and Carl H. Thompson have written a work of fiction that takes the reader on an insider’s view of what a person might do when they feel as if they have no other options. The style that Briana and Carl used was very descriptive and seemed to have a sense of reality to it. Jasmine Absolute is a story worth reading as it is fast-paced, and it tells the type of human interest story that we all want to root for when a person is down and out but finds a way to pick themselves up and land back on top!

Reviewed by Tiffany for Urban Reviews

Order your copy of Jasmine Absolute today!

Thursday, November 08, 2012

NEW REVIEW: Keith Thomas Walker - Jewell and the Dapper Dan

Keith Thomas Walker
Jewell and the Daper Dan
Available Now!
4 out of 5 books

Jewell, her boyfriend Daniel, and their syndicate are at it again. The story opens with Jewell and Daniel at the club waiting for their next mark. For the past few years, this is how Jewell has lived...hustling. Lately, she has been thinking that maybe she doesn't want to do this anymore, But each time they score, she remembers why she does it. Daniel wants to do one more job, and it's a big one. They will be set for life, never having to hustle again. The only problem is not everyone in the syndicate believes the job can be done. Daniel and Jewell now have to convince the other members that this job can be done and that it is worth the risk. Along the way there are lots of variables that change the plan, but Daniel is determine to complete this last job. As the time gets closer to the heist, Jewell is not even sure anymore that she is convinced it can be done or that she wants to be a part of it. Will this be it for the syndicate, or will everything they worked for go up in smoke?

Jewell and the Dapper Dan is a good read by Keith Thomas Walker. It starts off fast paced and exciting. Towards the middle, the story drops off some, but the ending is worth the lagging moments. Walker is a really good writer and I have read several of his other books. I have thoroughly enjoyed everything I read of his and Jewell and the Dapper Dan is no exception. He does an excellent job with character development and imagery. Whenever you read one of his book, you will feel as if you are in Overbrook Meadows, TX living every moment with each character. Walker has produced yet another urban page turner!

Reviewed by Tenecia for Urban Reviews

Order your copy of Jewell and the Dapper Dan today!

Sunday, November 04, 2012

NEW REVIEW: V. Brown - Broken Promise

V. Brown
Broken Promise
Available Now!
2.5 out of 5 Stars

At an early age, Promise Brown witnessed her father get murdered by the police, while her mom was hauled off to jail. She is shuffled from one foster home to another during her childhood. Determined to make it on her own, Precious runs away and begins to make a name for herself in the streets. While on the streets, she uncovers some secrets from her family’s past. Promise sets out on a mission of revenge.

I found Broken Promise by V. Brown to be one-dimensional. The book lacked the substance and originality needed to make it an unforgettable read. There were times in the book I felt that the author was throwing in scenarios to make the book edgy, but Broken Promise ended up being dry and stagnant.

Reviewed from Orsayor for Urban Reviews

Order your copy of Broken Promise today!

Thursday, November 01, 2012

NEW REVIEW: Michelle Stimpson - Falling Into Grace

Michelle Stimpson
Falling Into Grace
Available Now!
5 out of 5 books

The Sweet Treats was a sweet hit in the late 90’s, and consisted of Camille, Alexis, Tonya and Kyra. They were managed by Camille’s business-minded brother, Courtney. Greed smothered Camille, which ended the group and severed her relationship with Courtney. Broke and desperate for a comeback into the industry, Camille lies and makes enemy number one while trying to secure a contract with agent John David. The first lie is the beginning of many to almost everyone in her life.
John David agrees to see her only after hearing her demo. He agrees to sign her to a contract but with stipulations. First he tells her she can sing but he agrees only to her coming back not as a Rhythm and Blues singer but as a gospel voice. And he will not promote her until she joins a mega church to become that gospel singer. Camille joins Grace Chapel and she has her eyes on the praise team. They consist of seven members with strong vocals and a fine minister of music. Desperation can bring out desperate planning, but I’ve been told that “people plan and God laughs.”
It was interesting reading Camille’s story.  She is not so unlike me or even you, watching her move closer and closer to her red sea until she is at the edge, stripped and emptied out. She finally has no choice but to kneel and call His name to part the sea. The theme is one we can all benefit from in our walk. Talent and gifts come from God, and we should use them to glorify Him. Every lie you tell will need five more to cover up the first one.
It wasn't until Camille touched spiritual reality that she finally GOT it. She had an outward experience with the Holy Spirit, but eventually she turned it around and had an inward relationship and was able to touch spiritual reality in her everyday activities. Be like Camille and have a passion for your gift in the way God ordained you to walk in it.
Falling from Grace was a fantastic spiritual journey exploding with characters in and out of church. Adults and young adults would enjoy this read and find themselves gleaning quite a bit from the characters situations.  Falling from Grace was absolutely a HIGH 5 in my opinion. Ms. Stimpson has won her very own spot on my shelf.
Reviewed by Missy for Urban Reviews

Order your copy of Falling From Grace today!

New Review : The Hunt : Anna J

5 out of 5 books Dylan Hunt is living his best life right now. He is smart, sexy, and owns the hottest restaurant in Philly. But Dylan is tr...