Wednesday, May 07, 2014

NEW REVIEW : Awaken : Timothy George

Timothy George
Available now!
5 out of 5 books

Timothy George takes his readers along with Thomas Jet the protagonist on a journey into history of the continent of Africa.  
An investment banker, Thomas Jet meets a psychic, by the name of Dr. Oble at his family reunion.  After his meeting with Dr. Oble Thomas starts having distressing dreams, which prompts him to seek help. The story really begins when Thomas learns he is part of a group of men that have been recruited from all over the world. It is during what is called their ‘awakening’ that they find out about their individual history to Africa and their ancestral lineage.
Awakening by Thomas George is a story about brotherhood, history and organizations such as the CIA and (IBC) Internal Bureau of Commerce. The story is filled with action which makes for a page turning experience, on the edge of your seat read. The title and the cover fit well for the storyline.  The reader easily connects with the highs and lows of the character. It will have your emotions all over the place wanting the best for Thomas. Overall this was a great read!

Reviewed by Missy

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