Tuesday, July 15, 2014

NEW REVIEWS: Dream Girl Awakened by Stacy Campbell

4 out of 5 books
Why is it that some folks think the grass is greener on the other side?  Think about it…we have all at some point, even if it was a fleeting thought, thought that your friend, neighbor, family member etc. (from the outside looking in) that they had the “perfect” life. They had something that you desired. Well, in the story of Dream Girl Awakened, Aruba Dixon is a beautiful woman that is married to James, a sexy man and a good father to their son. But the thing that is tearing their marriage apart is the fact that James cannot keep a job. When James quits his fifth job in seven months, Aruba is fed up. This is where she begins to make plans to exit her marriage.
Victoria Faulk is a beautiful woman, conceited and is a woman that knows her husband is proud to show her off on his arm. Victoria is caught up in her status as being the wife of a prominent doctor. She knows that they can afford anything her heart desires, and if he doesn’t give in right away to her high-priced demands, she withholds sex from him, until he gives in. Not to mention that they have a beautiful mansion with the décor of a magazine and a nanny to help her care for her daughter and clean house. What more could a wife want?  Victoria is so self-centered she complains to Aruba of all the late nights because her husband is always working and other little things. Victoria does not see (at the time) the sacrifices that her husband makes for her and their family. So she does not take time to appreciate him or the things he is able to provide. Aruba beings to devise a plan to capture the heart of Victoria’s husband because she knows more than anything she would appreciate him the way he deserves to be treated.
Now on the flip side of things, James loves his wife and although he cannot hold a job worth anything, he makes the mistake of stepping out on his wife. He knows that Aruba is the best thing to ever happen to him but he just keeps messing up. Will he be able to straighten up before he loses the best thing in his life? Will he eventually get the motivation he needs to hold down a job and quit his philandering ways?
Two couples lives will collide and after it is all said and done will they be able to move past the hurts and betrayals of each other? What will become of them? Because we all know what looks good on the outside, is not always great on the inside.
Dream Girl Awakened by Stacy Campbell was a very good debut novel. It is a story about love, betrayal, honoring one’s vows and friendships. Ms. Campbell wrote the perfect tale on how the grass is not always greener on the other side. So before you look at someone else’s life and think they may have it all, trust and believe you are only seeing the outside of what that person wants you to see. No one but that individual knows what is really going on behind closed doors. I definitely recommend this novel and look forward to reading more by Ms. Campbell.
Reviewed by Leona
Urban Reviews

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