Wednesday, July 02, 2014

NEW REVIEW : Gangsta Divas by DeNesha Diamond

4.5 out of 5 books

Picking up where the last book Street Divas left off, Ta'Shara is about to come home from the mental hospital after suffering a horrible attack that was issued by her sister, Leshelle. After watching the one man she has ever loved gunned down in front of her at the command of her sister, Ta'Shara wants revenge and wants Leshelle dead!

Lucifer is mourning the loss of Fat Ace and refuses to show how much the loss is tearing her up inside. With the loss of Fat Ace she is next in line to rule their crew. The only problem is that some of her crew are not to keen on the idea of a woman stepping up to command, although they all know she is as ruthless as the next man or any one of them. The only other person that would be able to step up would be her brother, Bishop. This is where the two begin to bump heads. Will Bishop push Lucifer out the way and claim the spot? Will Lucifer take the suggestion of a reformed drug addict and step away from the game?

Gangsta Divas by DeNesha Diamond was a page turner full of drama. These gangsta divas are ruthless and will do anything for their crew. This is one of the best series that is based on the female aspect of the game and gang life. I am not really a fan of books that continue on in a series (more than 3 books) but I did appreciate the fact that Ms. Diamond took the time to explain to the reader at the end of the book that her intention was to end the series but the life of the story would not let her end it. My only issue with the book was the editing, but then again I read the advanced uncorrected proof. I eagerly anticipate the 4th installment of this series.

Reviewed by Leona
Urban Reviews

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