Tuesday, July 15, 2014

NEW REVIEW : A Generation of Curses by Patricia Bridewell and Faatima Albasair-Johnson

4 out of 5 books

Khadesia and Malcolm have had a comfortable and happy marriage for the past 8 years but then a knock on the door changes everything in A Generation of Curses. Khadesia has worked very hard to keep her past in the past and her husband in the dark. The timing of the knock on the door could not be any worse as Malcolm is preparing to become the head pastor at Solid Rock Christian Ministries.Khadesia must make some major life-changing decisions that will depend on if she decides to keep the faith or not.

 A Generation of Curses is one of the most realistic books I have read in the Christian fiction genre because it is realistic as to how ‘church folks’ behave and hypocritical they are towards other church members. I recommend this book to others and look forward to more work by these two authors. 

Tiffany Craig
Urban Reviews

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