Tuesday, July 08, 2014

NEW REVIEW : Husband 101 by A'ndrea Wilson

4 out of 5 books

Husband 101 by A'ndrea Wilson is the anticipated follow-up to Wife 101. Eric Hayes is now married to Amber, a woman that he use to work for and they are expecting their first child together. As a wedding gift, Amber turned her first business, the realty company over to Eric to head it anyway he saw fit. With his new responsibilites as CEO of the realty company, Eric wants to do something that could potentially bring in a lot of money and possibly make their realty company one of the best and sought after by some of the biggest names (actors, sports stars, etc.)
Eric's new client Jacqueline "Jay" Johnson is not only determined to find the perfect location for her next business venture but she also has her sights set on Eric. Knowing that Eric is married only fuels Jay's desire for Eric even more. Temptation may come in the form of a sexy woman but the fact that the opportunities that Jay can lead Eric to, is even more tempting. With a woman of her caliber and money, Jay may just be able to get what he dreams of sooner. The question is how far is Eric willing to go to make his dreams for the company a reality?

Husband 101 by A'ndrea Wilson was a very good read. It not only leads with passages from the bible but also lessons to be learned from each. How men should communicate with their significant other and to SHOW...not just tell their spouse how much they love them. How much the woman in their life is appreciated with small gestures. Although this is a fictional novel, this series is one that I would recommend to anyone. Whether you are married or single, there are lessons that you can take from this novel and use in your current or future relationship.

Reviewed by Leona
Urban Reviews

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