Wednesday, October 29, 2014

NEW REVIEW : A Wanted Woman by Eric Jerome Dickey

5 out of 5 books

Agent MX-401 aka Reaper was supposed to go on a simple kill mission. But when things don’t go as planned, she finds herself having to improvise all on her own. The Laventille Killers (LK) are now hot on her trail since she killed some of their own. After a series of other small jobs, Reaper finds herself trying to keep under the radar while still gunning for the LKs. While on this journey, Reaper meets another woman that proves to be very helpful in her mission. But will she finally be able to take down the LKs unscathed or will she make the ultimate sacrifice?

A Wanted Woman reads like a non-stop action movie. Eric Jerome Dickey once again brings us a complex and mysterious character in Reaper. Everything from her physical characteristics and her skill set makes you want to know more about her. It was refreshing to see this be a female character and to see her be strong and vulnerable at the same time. Dickey describes the Reaper’s surroundings so well that you feel like you’re actually there. You can picture every single detail. This book has a solid conclusion but you wonder if Agent MX-401 will be in another book on her own or will she ever meet Gideon.  Eric Jerome Dickey proves that he’s still at the top of his game with A Wanted Woman.

Reviewed by Radiah

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