Monday, January 19, 2015

NEW REVIEW : Animal 3: Revelations by K'wan

2.5 out of 5 books

Animal is back, and the promise he made Gucci about staying out of the streets is one that he has to renege on. When Red Sonja comes knocking on their door with a little girl in tow, that she claims is Animal’s, Gucci can tell that Sonja is telling the truth when she takes one look at the little girl. Red Sonja has come for help and the only one she can trust is Animal. For the love and safety of his daughter Animal will once again pick up his guns.

Animal 3: Revelations by K’wan was a huge disappointment. I have read most of K’wan’s novels and have been following the Animal character from the very beginning. There was just so much going on within this novel that it is at the point that this reader is wondering if Animal has more than nine lives like they say cats have. He has been put in practically every conceivable situation that would and should result in death, numerous times, but Animal keeps on. When I say this (without revealing any spoilers) in this novel alone, Animal got out of some situations that were just too unfathomable. This is the main reason for my low rating. Then add to that the poor quality of editing, it just all equaled to a disappointment. I did inbox K’wan and asked him about the poor editing. 

Although he did state that he turned the book in late and that he fully accepted the blame. Unfortunately that blame falls not just on him but the publisher and editor as well. It is a bad look for each of them. The release date should have been pushed back until it was properly edited. K’wan has such a huge fan base that to wait for his novel to drop would not have hurt a thing. K’wan is definitely a good author but this particular book missed the mark of what he normally puts out.

Reviewed by Leona

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NEW REVIEW : After the Dawn by Francis Ray

5 out of 5 books

Bad boy Dillon Montgomery has done well for himself. He is a self-made millionaire and wants no part of the town that wrote him off. The only reason he returns is because his mother is his everything. So when he and his mother are asked to come to the reading of the will for Abe Collins, he has no plans of attending. However his mother was Abe’s secretary for years and respected him for giving a single mother a job and expected him to be there. What was not expected however, was Abe leaving half of his company to Dillon and his granddaughter Samantha.

On the night of her parent’s death, Samantha had come on to Dillon. Even though he was attracted to her, he knew his mother would kill him and he would never take advantage of a woman like that. That had been 12 years ago. So Dillon had no intentions of staying and helping Samantha run this company. But with the coaxing of his mother and his utter dislike of her uncle, he decides to help. The attraction he has towards Samantha is just a bonus.

Francis Ray has always been a phenomenal writer. Anything that she has written is a great read. Her character and plot development are always well done, and there are usually several different sub-plots within the main plot that keeps the story flowing. After the Dawn is no exception. Another well written book.

Reviewed by Tenecia

New Review : The Hunt : Anna J

5 out of 5 books Dylan Hunt is living his best life right now. He is smart, sexy, and owns the hottest restaurant in Philly. But Dylan is tr...