Monday, March 30, 2015

NEW REVIEW : Pink & Patent Leather by Candy Jackson

4 out of 5 books

Sasha “Pink” Jansen had heard the voice of God at the age of sixteen. During her purity ceremony at church, Pastor Malik Stroman placed the purity ring on her and God told her that he will be her husband one day. The only thing Pink had to do is to save herself for him. But the problem is that Pastor Stroman is already married. This doesn’t matter to Pink because she feels that God told her that this was going to be her husband. Meanwhile, Xavier is willing and able to be Pink’s man but she won’t let him into her heart. Pink is on this path to becoming Pastor Stroman’s First Lady but is it the right one?

Pink & Patent Leather is a good debut novel by Candy Jackson. There has never been a character that’s more irritating and clueless than Pink in recent memory. Jackson makes you want to continue to read this book because you need to know what’s going to happen next. Pink’s whole blind mission to become the next First Lady is so outlandish that you wonder when will she wake up from this fairytale? Jackson does an excellent job of illustrating the fact that sometimes people misread what God is trying to tell them. Sometimes you hear what you want to hear. This book would be a wonderful book club pick because it would foster some interesting discussions. Candy Jackson brought us a unique and entertaining storyline with Pink & Patent Leather.

Reviewed by Radiah Hubbert
Urban Reviews

Sunday, March 22, 2015

INSIDE OUT with Candy Jackson - Author of Pink & Patent Leather

Washington, DC author, Candy Jackson is a cosmetology teacher who loves to create poetry and short stories. Her reading rose to a brand new height with the discovery of many black writers whose work exploded in the ‘80’s. An avid reader, she began to tap into her own creative side and decided to write stories of her own. Candy is the mother of three young adult children and one grandson.

Urban Reviews: Start by telling us about Pink & Patent Leather. 

Candy Jackson: Pink and Patent Leather is a book I started on years ago but never finished. My mentor says that I have a fear of success thus, I have several stories I have written but never finished. But, thank God I finished this one and was able to publish it.

Urban Reviews: What was your inspiration to pen this story?

Candy Jackson: I happen to be a church one Sunday and when my Pastor was closing out he said that women come up to him all the time and say, “God said you’re suppose to be my prayer partner or, we should be teaching Bible study together.” I thought it to be hilarious but then on my way home I thought, what if it wasn’t a woman? What if it was a girl who thought the Lord had spoken to her directing her to the Pastor, a married Pastor at that. By the time I got home, I began the tale of Sasha “Pink” Jansen.” The title was something I thought up long before the story develop. My mom dressed me in pink nearly everyday until I was like nine. I was the youngest child and the only girl.

Urban Reviews: Are you working on another book at this point? 

Candy Jackson: I am currently working on a couple of books. “Lust” is a book I’m co-writing with another author and the sequel to Pink and Patent Leather. The title is “The Way, The Truth and The Lie.”

Urban Reviews: What lead you to write your first novel? 

Candy Jackson: I’ve always loved reading and writing. I started out very young writing poems and messed around and did one at church. Well, my Pastor at the time felt like I had a little talent so by the time I was in my 20’s I made my rounds at area church's  with my spoken word. At the same time I picked up a book by Terry McMillian and realized I missed reading. It was like a soul explosion with African American authors and before I knew it, I was reading a book a day. Thus, I knew it was time to write my own book. And here I am.

Urban Reviews: As a debut author, how has your experience been in the literary industry so far?

Candy Jackson: I kind of had a little practice. I’m very good friends with Victoria Christopher Murray and when we first met, I traveled with her a lot. I had my own expectations but after my book was release, I began a new and exciting chapter in my life. It’s been all of that, epic.

Urban Reviews: What would you say is the best advice given to you by a fellow author?

Candy Jackson: Read often and hustle.

Urban Reviews: How do you balance your writing life and home life?

Candy Jackson: I’m an empty nester! God is good and put me with the right people at doing the right thing, for such a time as this. I do work, but I have a lot of free time on my hands these days. I’m a little lazy, lay back as I like to say, I really need to do better.

Urban Reviews: Where can readers find more information about you and your books?

Candy Jackson: They can find me on and Amazon. They can head over to my website or find me on facebook@ Candy Jackson and yes, I’m on twitter @ candygirlcan. I’m in the middle of building a new website as well and I’m hoping to make it a community for women over forty, you know to discuss issues, have a little fun and read some short stories.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

NEW REVIEW : Sorrow's Mate by Lowan Anderson

3 out of 5 books

I cannot write a typical review for this book. First, this particular book would actually spark a great bookclub discussion. The first question would have to be
"What would you do?" As much as it would be hard to even imagine, walking in on your boyfriend having sex with someone other than you in your bed, is bad enough. But what if that person that he was having sex with was a member of your family?

That is exactly what happened when Gia walked in her home after hours of being on her feet at work, and seeing the man she loved having sex with her niece, Anita.

Now fast forward years later...

Gia marries this same man and has a baby with him.

If you think thats where this story ends, you’re in for a rude awakening, because as you can see this is just the beginning of this story.

Before you think I gave too much information on the story, read the synopsis and you will see the same thing there.

Sorrows Mate by Lowan Anderson was an excellent story. It was an easy and quick read. It was also an emotional read as well. You are sure to feel for both Anita and yes, even Gia. As hard as it is to want to hate Gia, you don't. The reason I did not give this book a 5 star is because the layout of the book was put together poorly. There was a chapter in the book that should have been put near the beginning of the book but was thrown out of sequence that made for a confusing moment in reading the book. By the time I realized what happened with this huge oversight, I had already read most of the chapter. Also, the timeframe was very unclear because the story kept switching from past to present with no clear indication of which was which. Overall though this was a very good read and like I said before would make for a great bookclub discussion.

Reviewed by Leona
Urban Reviews

New Review : The Hunt : Anna J

5 out of 5 books Dylan Hunt is living his best life right now. He is smart, sexy, and owns the hottest restaurant in Philly. But Dylan is tr...