Tuesday, November 22, 2016

NEW REVIEW : Death's Companion by Monique D. Mensah


                                                        5 out of 5 books


Kameron Peace is a walking zombie. Her past haunts her every day and her only therapy is a daily diet of vodka. Cameron feels that she has nothing to live for until she runs into an old colleague. This colleague refers Kameron to a therapist so that she can start the healing process. But is she ready for it? Bridget Garrett is trying an unorthodox treatment on her new client Karmeron. But Bridget is still searching for her psychotic husband that disappeared five years ago. When she hires a private investigator to find her husband, she finds the task daunting at best. Through the therapy sessions , Bridget and Kameron get the shock of their lives when a truth is revealed that neither one of them are prepared for.

After a four year hiatus, Monique D.Mensah is back better than ever with Death’s Companion. The two main characters in the book are extremely flawed, human, and likable. Just when you think you’ve figured out the who, what, when, where, and why, Mensah turns everything upside down with her signature plot twist. Readers will be absolutely shocked at the ending that you won’t see coming. Death’s Companion is a perfect psychological thriller by Monique D. Mensah.

Reviewed by Radiah

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