Tuesday, January 31, 2017

NEW REVIEW : Copycat by Kimberla Lawson Roby


  4.5 out of 5 books                                                                    

To imitate someone is to pay the person a genuine compliment, often an unintended compliment. In this case, it was more of an obsession. Simone Phillips and Traci Calloway Cole realized they had so much in common when Simone contacted Traci regarding her future career goals. Traci was a successful author who didn't mind helping out a fellow author to get her career started. It soon became obvious that Simone not only wanted to be like Traci, she wanted Traci's life. Will Traci find out how psychotic and twisted Simone is before it's too late? 

I have been reading and reviewing Kimberla Lawson Roby's books for a very long time and I have yet to be disappointed. Copycat was a short book (about 200 pages), but from beginning to end you become intrigued in what's going to happen next. You’ll wonder how could one character be so clueless as to what the other character was doing. Roby gave enough detail to each character in a thought provoking way. Some parts of the book were a little predictable,but not much. It was a quick read because you want to know if Traci will get tangled up in the craziness of Simone. If you want to read a novel that’s not a long and drawn out, Copycat is for you.

Reviewed by Jackie

New Review : The Hunt : Anna J

5 out of 5 books Dylan Hunt is living his best life right now. He is smart, sexy, and owns the hottest restaurant in Philly. But Dylan is tr...