Thursday, September 20, 2018

On the Line With Radiah Hubbert : Marc Avery

MARC AVERY is a Philadelphia native and Redemption Lost is his debut novel. He is currently working on a thriller series. He lives in Delaware with his wife and children. You can visit him at  

Radiah :  Tell us about Redemption Lost.

Marc: Redemption Lost deals with alcoholism, love, heartbreak, decision making, and the consequences that come with those decisions. It is also a story of risk, restitution, and retribution.

Radiah:     What inspired you to write this story?

Marc: I wanted to write a story that reflected inner struggle and turmoil. Most people are fighting for something. Whether it be something they want, or something they lost. Anthony represents the faction of people who are in a constant battle with themselves to achieve the dreams they so desperately want to achieve. Ultimately, the decisions he makes will have consequences for him, and the people closest to him.

Radiah:     Why did you decide to release this novel under a different pen name?

Marc: I decided to write under a pen name because I wanted a fresh start on my literary journey. It felt like I went through an important metamorphosis with this book and I think the name change reflects that.

Radiah:      What is the one thing that you want readers to take away from your book?

Marc: My hope is that this novel not only entertains the readers, but also educates the readers. Life comes down to choices, and the better choices we make the better our lives can ultimately be.

Radiah:     Are you working on anything right now?

Marc: I’m working on a new thriller series right now. These books will be in the mold of New York Undercover, Miami Vice and Bad Boys 1 & 2. I’ve always wanted my own Alex Cross or Harry Bosch and I think I have him. I can’t wait for people to experience this first project. It’s been a long time coming.

Radiah:    Where can readers find out more about you and your books?

Marc: Readers can connect with me at I’m also active on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Goodreads.

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