Tuesday, May 04, 2021

Book Reviewers Needed!


Book Reviewers Needed!

UrbanReviewsOnline.com is seeking book reviewers for ebooks and physical books for a variety of genres of African American fiction including women’s fiction, romance, street/urban , erotica, mystery/thriller/suspense, historical, Christian, science/speculative fiction. Reviews will be posted on UrbanReviewsOnline.com , Amazon, and Goodreads. We only review books that are no fewer than 100 pages. No exceptions! Here are the requirements in order to be considered:

1.You must provide a copy of a review that you’ve written. It must not contain any spoilers or personal attacks. It must be at least one paragraph.

2. Our rating scale is 1 to 5 books ( 1, 1.5, 2 , 2.5, 3, 3.5, 4, 4.5, 5). You can’t be afraid to rate a book less than a 3 even if it’s your favorite author.

3. You must complete a book even you don’t like it. Remember, the authors are counting on us to provide a review for their book.

4. Once the book is in your possession for review, you are responsible for providing a review for the book. You are not to pass the book around to your friends, family, social media groups, email lists, or book club members. This is not an opportunity to just get a free book.

5. Please list the genres that you are willing to review. You will be provided with the titles that are available for review so that you can look up that particular book.

6. You can start off by reviewing 1 to 2 books a month.

7. Our focus is African American fiction.

8. Reviewers are not paid for their reviews.

Interested? Please contact Radiah Hubbert at radiah@urban-reviews.com. Thank you!

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