Wednesday, May 11, 2022

New Review : The Reluctant King : K'wan


4 out 5 books

On the surface, the King family looks perfect. However, nothing is the way it seems. Chancellor King is the patriarch of the family and is well connected politically. Ghost, Shadow, and Lolli are the three children of the King family. Shadow is the only one who does not have the same qualities as his siblings and likes to keep to himself. That may change when there is a threat against the family that may tear them apart.

The Reluctant King is not what you expected. Although there’s plenty of betrayal, murder, and mayhem in this story, readers will be surprised with what happens to whom. K’wan did a good job with introducing us to a whole new family with complicated situations. Just when you think you know how this story is going to end, K’wan hits you with one his infamous curveballs that will stop you in your tracks. The Reluctant King by K’wan is an enjoyable start to this new series and will make you anticipate the second installment.

Reviewed by Radiah Hubbert

Order your copy of The Reluctant King today!

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